I develop software with and for people.

MERN: Workshop - Before We Start

Jan 7, 2020

JavaScript delenda est — Comment from HN

Long time ago, I gave the workshop on MERN stack with colleagues. Here, I’m publishing the notes based on that workshop with modifications to suit them as blog post.


You are currently reading the circulated pdf that we passed to team who are planning to attend the workshop. The pdf was circulated a week ago before the first session in this workshop to better prepare them.


The workshop is a seven weeks long workshop where we’re going to talk/learn the MERN. Here, MERN means MongoDB, Express, React, and Node. Yes, we’re going to talk/learn about all these technologies but not in this particular order. This workshop is live workshop where you’re going to do the coding with us. That is the reason why you need couple of software on your computer in order to do the mentioned coding challenges.

Following are the list of essential software need for the first session of the workshop. In future, we’ll install more software as needed.

  • Node
  • NPM or Node Package Manager
  • Text Editor

Node & NPM

We are going to install the Node and NPM using Node Version Manager or NVM. With NVM, you can install multiple version of Node on your computer side-by-side without a problem.

Mac or GNU/Linux

If you are using Mac or GNU/Linux, open the Installing and Updating section of the README.md and copy either curl or wget URL in terminal.

This will install the NVM on your computer. You need to re-start the terminal and run the following command to confirm the installation of NVM.

nvm --version

If you get some version as the output of this command, you’ve successfully installed the NVM on your computer.

Next we need to install Node and NPM using this NVM. It is quite simple as running following command.

nvm install node

This command will install the latest version of Node (with NPM) on your computer. After the installation is done, run following two commands to confirm the installation of Node and NPM.

node --version
npm --version


If you are using Windows system, you need to nvm-windows. You can download the exe from release page and then you can easily install the exe on your Windows computer.

Once the installation is done, open the Command Prompt or PowerShell and run the following command to confirm the installation of NVM.

nvm --version

Next we need to install Node and NPM using this NVM. It is quite simple as running following command.

nvm install latest

This command will install the latest version of Node (with NPM) on your computer. After the installation is done, run following two commands to confirm the installation of Node and NPM.

node --version
npm --version

Text Editor

We need text editor to write the code! We have many options including vim and emacs. But, we are going to use Visual Studio Code for this workshop and we suggest you to use even if you already have your favorite text editor.

You can easily download the Visual Studio Code from the official website for your operating system.


Finally, these are the prerequisites for the works and all sessions.

  • You know HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
  • You know some server-side programming.
  • You know how to write and run terminal commands in Terminal or Command Prompt.
  • You know a little git.

You need to attend this and all following sessions, if you are planning to learn React, Vue, or Angular. You are now ready for the workshop.

Tags: mern