Hono Tutorial Pt. 4

Sep 11, 2024

As the adjustment for the credentials are done in the previous article, we are now ready to create the CRUD end-points for the Contact resource. But, before that, I would like to cover a few methods that are needed in CRUD end-points such as fetching value(s) from dynamic params, reading request body, fetching value(s) from query string, and so on.

Hono Tutorial Pt. 3

Aug 7, 2024

Before we go further and learn more about the Hono framework, the one thing that is bothering me is database credentials written in code. We should adjust the existing code by removing the credentials from the code and put it within the .env file. We should never hard-code the secret(s) as per 12factor app.

Hono Tutorial Pt. 2

Aug 6, 2024

In this article, we are going to connect the database in Hono application. For the purpose of demonstration, we are going to use PostgreSQL database and postgres as npm package. You are free to use any other package and database as steps will be similar except you need to consult the respected documentation for initial setup.

Hono Tutorial Pt. 1

Aug 2, 2024

This is the first article in a series where we are going to build a simple back-end application in Hono in Node.js environment.